It's been a good long while since I remembered to update this blog. Truth told, Spitballin' and worky work I can't really show off take up most of my time, and double posting work I do for Spitballin' here doesn't always seem worth the effort. But here are a few recent Spitball sketches I was happy enough with to share twice, starting with Grunge Josie and the Pussycats, above.
Next is M.O.D.O.K., the Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing, villainous mastermind and butt of many jokes in the Avengers comics. M.O.D.O.K. week ended up being one of our better ones overall, lots of fun stuff and a cool guest post.
Finally, what I assume/hope will be a traffic-puller-inner, this week's Spitball--Marvel Zombies, featuring X-Men mainstays Cyclops and Wolverine. Everybody's doing someone different as a zombie, so it should be cool to see once they're all up. I've got some other zombie-related work coming up this fall in Moonstone's Zombies Versus Cheerleaders, so this was a nice warm up for that.