This is a pinup shot of one of the main characters in Johnny Canuck and the Guardians of the Northern Lights, from Moonstone Books, by Ty Templeton and myself. Thought it might be fun to introduce the character and show off the update/redesign I did for him. Freelance was created in 1941 by Ed Furness and Ted McCall, and he was the second Canadian superhero to pop up. You can read a little more about the character here.
Image courtesy of International Superheroes.
Freelance is a favorite of mine, and of all the revamped characters in the book, the one who sticks closest to the original design: blond hair, red shirt, L logo... We made him a little younger and a little more street-clothes, but the basic look has been retained, I think.I started this as a warm up before doing a big Freelance heavy action sequence, but I kept going as it was pretty fun. I'll probably do more of these as the release date approaches.